Step 1 : Application form
You should introduce your training file to your home department depending on the case:
- Pour un stage de perfectionnement
Insert Your Description Here?
- Pour un séjour scientifique de courte durée de haut niveau
Insert Your Description Here?
- Pour une manifestation scientifique
Insert Your Description Here?
Your file will be presented at the next school’s scientific council meeting for examination. The date of the next meeting of the school’s scientific council is always indicated in research section of scientific council of the school’s website.
Step 2 : Preparation of training course departure and notification
You will be informed by an electronic mail of the result reserved to you request.
If your request is accepted, You will be prompted to retrieve the following documents:
– Training course benefit certificate.
– A nominative statement specifying the amount of compensation Received.
– Border force police card (PAF).
You should then contact the ticketing service. You are required to file a copy of your airline ticket with the extern relations department before your departure, and to inform it of any change in the date of your training course departure if necessary.
Step 3: The return from the training course
At the end of your training course, you should submit the following file:
- Pour un stage de perfectionnement
Insert Your Description Here?
- Pour un séjour scientifique de courte durée d e haut niveau
Insert Your Description Here?
- Pour une manifestation scientifique
Insert Your Description Here?